Charity Categories
The charities listed below provide a broad range of services around the world for large populations.
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Akshaya Patra Foundation is the world’s largest NGO-run midday meal program, providing meals to 1.4 million children in government run schools in India daily. It costs $15 to feed a child for a year.
AJWS works to realize human rights and end poverty in the developing world.
Americares is a health-focused relief and development organization that responds to people affected by poverty or disaster with life-changing health programs, medicine and medical supplies.
Our Mission is to end farming of bears for bile in Vietnam and China, provide sanctuary for bears, end the suffering of wild animals in captivity and ensure humane treatment of dogs and cats.
Best Buddies International - dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for friendships and integrated employment.
Works to alleviate captive animal suffering, rescue individual animals in need, protect wildlife — including highly endangered species — in their natural habitats, and encourage compassionate conservation globally, including USA, Canada, and Europe.
CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organizations, committed to helping women and families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty.
Provides humanitarian relief and development assistance to the poor and marginalized in over 100 countries and territories around the world Africa, Asia, Europe, Ukraine, the Middle East and Latin America and the Caribbean.
771 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water. We've been on a mission to end the water crisis since 2006, and with the help of generous supporters like you, we're getting closer every day.
Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty.
Building upon a strong foundation of science, partnership & field demonstration, CI empowers societies to responsibly & sustainably care for nature & global biodiversity for the well-being of humanity
Across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America, where Covenant House provides residential programs and vital services to youth facing homelessness, the most common form of human trafficking is commercial sexual exploitation. Young women and girls are the most at-risk of trafficking... find on website for long description.
Direct Relief is a humanitarian organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies.
Supports economic, health, safety, education and other human rights for women worldwide.
A network of 207 community-based, autonomous member organizations that serves people with workplace disadvantages and disabilities.
Environmental and wildlife conservation.
Habitat for Humanity International seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
Responding to human sufferings in emergency and disastrous situations anywhere, all over the world; with special focus in countries where the massive population living below the poverty line.
The HSUS is the nation’s largest animal protection organization, rated most effective by our peers. For 60 years, we have celebrated the protection of all animals and confronted all forms of cruelty.
Emergency in Ukraine
A battle for freedom is being waged in Ukraine, and innocent animal lives are in peril. We have authorized an additional emergency grant to International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to assist shelters in crisis across Ukraine right now.
This year, the IFRC is trying to help more than 30 million of the world's most needy people.
On the ground in over 90 countries - neutral, impartial, and independent - we are the International Committee of the Red Cross
Lutheran World Relief works with partners in 35 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.
MAP International provides life-changing medicines and health supplies to people in need.
Alleviates suffering, poverty and oppression ...helping people build secure, productive and just communities.
The Nature Conservancy protects Earth's most important natural places — for you and future generations — through great science and smart partnerships. Since 1951, we've protected more than 119 million acres of land and with your support, we can do even more.
Oxfam is a global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. We help people build better futures for themselves, hold the powerful accountable, and save lives in disasters. Our mission is to tackle the root causes of poverty and create lasting solutions.
RAN campaigns for forests, their inhabitants and natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action.
Save the Children Federation Inc. - A child-assistance organization working assisting children and families improve their health, education and economic opportunities. So far, 73 truckloads--or 2.2 million pounds--of food and grocery items have been secured, 22 were provided by Feeding America food banks to affected areas along with support personnel.As of 11/2, about $684,000 has been secured for the recovery effort from additional partners including Walmart, PepsiCo, General Mills, Hasbro, and United.
The Sierra Club Foundation promotes efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment.
SOS Children's Villages believes that every child deserves a loving home. We build families for orphaned, abandoned and other vulnerable children in 134 countries and territories, including the United States. We are the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the care of orphaned and abandoned children.
The Rotary Foundation's mission is to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. Rotary Foundation grants promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water and sanitation, sustain mothers and children, improve education, and strengthen local economies. The Foundation is a worldwide leader in the efforts to eradicate polio through its partnership in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
Helping every child thrive, all over the world. Over eight decades, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has built an unprecedented global support system for the world’s children.
United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.
Relief and development organization helping children worldwide by tackling causes of poverty and developing access to clean water, food, health care, education, and economic opportunities.
WWF is building a future where human needs are met in harmony with nature. Conserving important natural places and significantly changing global forces to protect the future of nature. We work in Asia, Africa, South and North America.
The YWCA USA was established in 1855 and is one of the oldest and largest women’s organizations operating in the United States. Our mission is to empower women and eliminate racism.
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