Our Charities
A list of top charities; USA, International and local.
California Wildfires - See Disaster Relief for charities providing food, water, shelter and other vital services.

This offers your charity gift recipients a broad range of carefully selected top charitable causes to choose from; disaster relief, hunger, education, disabilities, health, the elderly and more social welfare options.
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Charity Categories » Disabilities

Special Needs, Disabilities and Companionship

We learn from the example of others how to appreciate and maximize our potential. This is especially true, when we are inspired by the efforts of those with special needs and special abilities! These charities provide for those with autism, Down syndrome, dyslexia, blindness, ADHD, developmental delays or cystic fibrosis. The organizations below conduct research and provide special services.

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For more than 50 years Autism Society's mission is to improve the lives of all affected by autism through advocacy, education, information and referral, support, and nationwide network of affiliates.

Autism Speaks -Dedicated to provide funding for accelerating biomedical research focusing on autism spectrum disorders, raise public awareness and bring hope.

Best Buddies International - dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for friendships and integrated employment.

The Foundation offers grants to organizations that improve the quality of life of those paralyzed, and funding for paralysis research.

Easter Seals- assists disabled adults and children by providing a range of services from medical rehabilitation to job training.

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind - provides guide dogs to the blind free of charge.

Combats neuromuscular diseases through programs of research, medical and community services, and professional and public health education

Provides support, education, research and advocacy for those with MS.

Smile Farms creates meaningful employment, vocational, and educational opportunities for people with disabilities in agriculture and hospitality.

A unique umbrella funding alliance of schools, hospitals, and social service organizations serving children with disabilities and at-risk youth.

Empowers those with intellectual disability to becoming physically fit, productive and respected members of society through sports competition.

The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

(UCP) United Cerebral Palsy Associations -Works to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities.

Israel’s largest volunteer-staffed organization, providing a vital arrayof compassionate health and home care support services for all ages.Approved by the United Nations for association with the Department of Public Information (DPI).

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Massage Therapy Foundation
Massage Therapy serving those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, developmental disabilities, grief, pain, wounded warriors/veterans, and so many others Massage Therapy serving those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, developmental disabilities, grief, pain, wounded warriors/veterans, and so many others
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Building Bridges Foundation at Anderson Farm
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Pet Helpers, Inc.
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Nurse-Family Partnership
Nurse-Family Partners a charity helping medical needs of the poor.
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Voices of Hope
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