Your participation is helping to protect our Earth.
Vote on how corporate sponsor donations should be used for the environment.
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Which plays a more important role in protecting our Earth? Which gets your vote?
Funds will be divided according to the percentage of votes for each category.
Land - Nature Conservancy - Plant-a-Billion Trees
Restoring 1 million acres of land by helping plant 1 billion trees by 2015. This restoration effort has the potential to remove 4 million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.
Other Charities
Air - Sierra Club - Renewable Energy
Repowering America with green, renewable energy: Wind, solar, and other safe, clean sources of power that will energize a new American century.
Other Charities
Water - Ocean Conservancy
From Baltimore to Bangladesh, the world's most astounding grassroots cleanup effort. Every year more than half-a-million people in 100 countries remove millions of pounds of trash from beaches and waterways all over the world - and collect data on what they find.
Other Charities
on people's
What's on people's minds?

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Vote Results

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Vote on how to you would begin this sentence:
(Choose from the selection below) …to protect the Earth.
There ought to be a LAW to protect the Earth
It is a LAW of nature to protect the Earth.
It is Divine LAW to protect the Earth.
Corporations are responsible for sustaining the LAW to protect the Earth.
It is up to all of us to be the LAW, and do our part to protect the Earth.
on people's
What's on people's minds?
Your Suggestion - let's hear your suggestion as to how to begin the sentence protect the Earth.
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Vote Results

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Show Your Green – Earth Day Donation eCards ($2 and up)
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